Our team manages their own schedule so you book directly with the therapist, class instructor or facilitator. You will find all of their contact details on our website under ‘Meet the Team’ →
You can call, text or email us with as much or as little information as you wish to share. We will then reply and arrange for you to pop by and see Helen and have a friendly chat about what course of action you might benefit from. Alternatively we can arrange a phone call. Contact us →
You can find plenty of information on our website under 'Talking Therapies'. If you are still unsure about which route to take then simply get in touch, and we can point you in the right direction.
For the most part, these groups are run on a drop in basis with the exception of Just Write, so all you need to do is turn up. There is no weekly commitment expected of you but remember that these groups exist to support you, so even on your not so good days we would still love to see you.
Whilst we are not a cafe, we do welcome you to call by and enjoy our space should you want a quiet place to sit for a short while. Our kitchen is open for you to help yourself to tea or coffee, all we ask is for you to tidy up after yourself, and to be mindful of any classes or treatments that may be taking place. There is no charge for this although we do welcome and appreciate small donations.
Our website is updated regularly but the best way to stay in touch with us is via our social media platforms. You can also sign up to our monthly news letter where you get to read about any exciting news and events first. Links at the foot of this page
We can provide wheelchair access if you let us know you are visiting. This will enable you to explore most of Elephant Rooms. However, our studio space is upstairs and this area is not accessible by wheelchair unfortunately.
We would love for you to join our community and we're always looking for help with various projects, or perhaps you have skills that you can share via a workshop? If so, please don't hesitate to get in touch!