Huw Morgan
Word Wrangler (or Word Smith)
I’ve been a Media Producer & University Lecturer as a career, with Creative Writing, Song Writing and playing with words running in parallel.
I initially came to the Elephant Rooms as a participant and here I am a Facilitator as well as occasional participant.
I’m now retired from payslips, and I want to give back in both my own community and this rewarding community in Draycott.
I love people’s stories. The best stories don’t have to be larger than life, about success and ‘living the dream’, rather for me, it’s seeing someone’s eyes light up as they tell you about their journey, and it’s uncanny how often that journey can overlap with one’s own.
I facilitate the Just Write group at the Elephant Rooms, as I believe that when one is in the moment writing, it has wellbeing benefits that match meditative pursuits.
Just Write is a small intimate safe environment where we enjoy writing, reading back and learning more about our Worlds and Words!