Paula-Marie Turner
Allow me to introduce myself (and my colours) to you. I am Paula -Marie, a Colour Therapy Practitioner here at Elephant Rooms, where I work intuitively with the Energy, Frequency and Vibration of Colour. My fascination with all things colour began as a small child (you could say that colour chose me) when I realised I could hear Colour through sound. Colour had whole pictures with words, symbols and meaning to me. Different Colours had different shapes and textures. I could also smell colours, and to me, they had a taste!
While these are amazing things to experience, they can be very overwhelming at times. My early years were peppered with shock and trauma until I completely broke in mid-life. After being stuck in the NHS system for a very long time, I finally received a diagnosis of being on the Autistic Spectrum, in particular, a condition called Synaesthesia, where I experience the world through all of my five senses in a very unusual way.
The path to self-healing followed while I enrolled at a prestigious ‘School of Colour’ where to my delight, I was able to study, research and train in the ‘Language of Colour’ and its healing effects on the mind, emotions, body, spirit and soul. It was here that I discovered how to merge my natural gift with the knowledge and wisdom I’d gained to help heal others.
I’ve been a practising therapist for years now, and I’ve developed my unique style of using Colour as a communication tool for personal growth and development... It’s not by chance that you choose the colours that you do!
People are my passion and I can see the treasure trove of Colours that lay deep within each individual, waiting to be discovered. My quest is to help everyone realise their true value through the magical window of colour.
07932 946548