This deep revitalising yoga practice will encourage deep conscious relaxation, peaceful rest and recovery of your mind. RESTorative Yoga practice aims to introduce rest and ease in the body and mind by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for REST, digestion, energy conservation and healing. This practice stills a busy mind, boosts the immune system, restores easy breathing, balances the nervous system, releases tension in the body and can help to develop qualities of compassion towards oneself RESTorative yoga is suitable for anyone who wants to experience the art of being and is willing to immerse in the practice of active relaxation. The practice of active relaxation results in physiological and psychological quietening which soothes the negative effect of chronic stress and returns one's system to a balanced state. This class uses guided meditations and deeply relaxing yoga nidra to help you float home to a peaceful night's sleep. Bring your mat, warm layers, 2 -3 blankets and a head support. bolsters are provided. Doors open from 5pm for a refreshment and a chat. Investment: £22 Please contact Alena via WhatsApp to book: 07413 946 205 Looking forward to seeing you again 😍